June 4, 2010 We tied the knot; it was just the two of us taking on the big apple one bite at a time. December 21, 2010 We acquired Charlie; now there are three of us enjoying this slice of life that God has given us.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Day is Here

Tomorrow is the day that little baby Charlenton gets neutered. Danny has been battling with me to post pone it for weeks. The vet and Cesar Milan advise to have it done at 6 months. If it is not done the dog (if not bred) can develop many health issue down the road. Cesar Milan's dog, Daddy, developed cancer from not being neutered. His previous owner, rapper Red Man, did not believe in it. A lot of people do not believe in it. I am determined to keep Charlie happy and healthy and to do so feel that this is a necessary procedure.

I have heard a lot of tales from the neighbors about how difficult the 10 days after the surgery can be. The vet said that we can not allow Charlie to run or jump...these are his two favorite things to do besides eating, sleeping and pooping. It will be a challenge I'm sure.

In an attempt to make up for what I will be putting him through tomorrow, I took Charlie to his favorite place this evening, Petco. We picked out a toy and treats. He chose a stuffed carrot that is filled with a plastic bag so that it makes a crumpling noise when he plays with it. We then went to Barnes and Nobles which is another place that he loves. I feel that he enjoys the smell of the books. Charlie also get's a lot of attention at Barnes and Noble which is another one of his favorite things. We have since been playing all night and feel that it was overall a very good day. Hopefully good enough to get him through tomorrow.

So please pray for Charlie tomorrow and for Danny and I for the days after! I leave you with a picture of Charlie on top of Danny's suitcase, which I feel was an effort to keep Danny from going to Florida.

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