June 4, 2010 We tied the knot; it was just the two of us taking on the big apple one bite at a time. December 21, 2010 We acquired Charlie; now there are three of us enjoying this slice of life that God has given us.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NYE & Potty Training Secret

Danny and I got stuck in Florida due to a blizzard until New Year’s Eve. We were aching to get back to Charlie and begin training him with all that we learned from our research. Our flight got back in to NYC around 6pm in which we rushed back to our apartment because we were having a party to celebrate the New Year (which was arranged prior to Charlie coming in to our lives). Our good friend offered to pick Charlie up and bring him over. It was so great to see the little guy! He was as cute as ever and strutting his red pajamas. Charlie loved all of the friends that we had over, and they all loved him-except in retrospect, having a New Years Eve party with a puppy who is not yet housebroken is not the best idea. Charlie peed a few times and dropped a poop that smelled like the sewer. Lucky for him he is so cute that people excused this behavior. He was so worn out from all of the attention that he crawled in to his crate (which we call his den) on his own. Potty training really took a turn for the better once we figured out two important factors. First, crate training is a must. He really does love his Den and will never relieve himself inside. This teaches him to hold it which is extremely important. Second, when not in the crate, it is imperative to let him outside as often as possible, which though extremely inconvenient for those of us who live on the 5th floor of a NYC building, means as much as every hour. The only accidents that Charlie has had in the house since we figured out these two important factors were because we did not take him out as often as we should have.The picture above is of Charlie and his Uncle Nick resting after a fun but exhausting NYE night.

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