June 4, 2010 We tied the knot; it was just the two of us taking on the big apple one bite at a time. December 21, 2010 We acquired Charlie; now there are three of us enjoying this slice of life that God has given us.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting Charlie

I have been asking for a puppy my entire life. After countless years of begging, my mom decided to give in about 13 years ago. To make a long story short, my poppy "Stole" her away from us. He grew so attached that one day he decided to keep her. This sounds devastating but really it was for the best. It worked out because I spent a lot of time at his house but it never quite satisfied my need for a dog.

My husband, Danny, and I have been together for 6 and a half years. He can attest to the fact that I have been aching for a puppy our entire relationship. Through many arguments and tears I had finally convinced him that we were ready and he told me that we could start thinking about the right breed for us. I had been researching for years of course and knew what would be best for us already. A few of the requirements were: no shedding, intelligent, under 20 lbs, playful but good for apartment living, and a dog who though small, would like to go for runs in Central Park.

Two days before we were to fly home for Christmas I suggested we go to some pet stores and look at breeds to get an idea of what we like. I have strong feelings against buying a dog from a pet store and knew it would be the best way to go without being tempted to buy. We went in and out of a couple of stores feeling out the breeds. We came across an upscale designer dog store in West Village and decided to wander in. In the back of the store I spotted this lanky, beige colored beauty who seemed absolutely perfect for us. The sales rep told us that he was a pure bred Havanese who was 4 months old, 9 lbs and pretty much full grown. I had done extensive research on this breed and knew it was the ideal breed for us. The only reason I had reserves about the breed was their shorter legs. This dog had the longest legs I had ever seen and looked nothing like a Havanese. I was instantly in love. After spending some time with him Danny convinced me to leave the store. Against all better judgement I pleaded with Danny all day long about getting him. It went against all of my long hard planning of how I would acquire my puppy. After countless arguments with me and negotiating on the phone with the owner of the store, Danny finally gave in at the last hour. The store wanted us to pick him up, keep him for two days, and then bring him back to be boarded while we were away for Christmas. Purchasing him was a whirl wind. They threw dog food at us, leashes, harnesses, toys, water/food bowls, exercise pen, wee wee pads and more! By the time we got in the cab we had no idea what hit us. For fear of the cab driver not letting us take him in the car we stuffed him in Danny's coat and let his head pop out. We were stunned at how calm he was on the ride home. We decided during the drive that the only name that fit him was Charlie. Upon arriving home he sniffed around, proceeded to look incredibly cute, and acted like a perfect angel. I sent Danny to Petco to buy a few things for him. The second Danny left, Charlie peed and pooped on the rug, humped, bit, and chased me. In the 20 minutes Danny was gone this little angel turned in to franken-puppy.

We have had Charlie a little over a month now and love him dearly. I want to catch everyone up on what has passed over the past month in his and our lives as it has been a VERY big month. So please bear with the back tracking of future posts and know that we will be up to speed very soon! Thank you for taking the time to stop by my new blog! The picture above was taken mere minutes after getting Charlie.


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